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Water  | Год: 2002 | Автор(ы): Igor Kryzhko | Последняя редакция: 12.12.2005

My name is water
And I live everywhere
Down in the ocean
And in the sky you stare
I"m in the drops
Falling down from above
Penetrate the rocks
I feed "em all, I shape ‘em up

Take the stones from the bottom
Of the river where I flow
Look at the shapes made by the water
This is the fruit I slowly grow

Hey, hold on, it still goes on
Our life is so much fast
When all passes away
The only thing which will stay
Is me, erasing your past

…I feed ‘em all, I shape ‘em up.

 слушать  | скачивалось: 108

Moribund Epoch (Russian version Эпоха)  | Год: 2002 | Автор(ы): Igor Kryzhko | Последняя редакция: 07.09.2003

Видишь камень?
Это все, что осталось от великой скалы,
Все исчезает,
Рассыпается в прах, превращается в пыль.
Часы спешат,
Не остановить времени бег,
Погас закат,
Вместе с ним твой закончился век.

Огонь, вода,
Окутают нас, захлестнут с головой,
Последний шанс,
Теряем мы, нам данный судьбой.
Вдруг стало страшно,
Когда мы увидели край,
Уже не важно,
Настало время сказать – Прощай…

Walk In the Rain  | Год: 1997 | Автор(ы): Игорь Крыжко | Последняя редакция: 12.06.2004

There is no sun in the sky,
And overcast is the morn,
Seagulls have started to cry,
All"s dying to be reborn.

Pavement is covered with pools,
All the dust is being washed away,
And I want you to leave your room,
We will walk in the rain.

Let"s give up everything & go outside,
Let us forget ‘bout all the bans,
Let us be happy & feel the life,
Please understand we"ve got a chance.

You know me & I know you,
And there is nothing for us to complain,
Let heaven make us wet all through,
Let us walk in the rain.

Victim of Progress  | Год: 1995 | Автор(ы): Игорь Крыжко | Последняя редакция: 12.06.2004

You"ll be sacrificed due to idiotic rule,
But nobody knows where it came from,
And they will rant it out, a solemn speech for you,
And then to bury you they"ll take an action prompt.

They feel so sure ‘bout what they are saying,
But actually they don"t give a damn,
And they will go on as long as you pay
With your life for the deeds of them.

You are the chosen
But who chose you?
Your kids are crying
Their dad"s not coming home.
And it"s worth nothing
All that promised fame,
You don"t need that shit,
On you are bestowed.

Fire of your anger makes way through the ground,
Artificial tears cannot put it out,
But the deal is done & there is no way out,
You closed your eyes & all the lights went down.

You were so naive & very devoted
To stupid ideas you"ve nothing in common with,
You got a victim of someone"s unfair game
And now you are just a stone with forgotten name.

You are the chosen
But who chose you?
Your kids are crying
Their dad"s not coming home.
And it"s worth nothing
All that promised fame,
You don"t need that shit,
On you are bestowed.

 слушать  | скачивалось: 90

Non Putaveram (ред. 2008 г.)  | Год: 1997 | Автор(ы): Igor Kryzhko | Последняя редакция: 27.11.2008

There was sand in my eyes
There was dirt in my head
There was hole in my sole
I was lost and misled.

I asked but there was no response
From those who had no clue
I kept on being wrong
There was nothing I knew

I had no intentions to change
I was so much lost and misled
My eyes and my mind were blind
But this did change in the end

It did take much effort and time
And easy wasn"t my choice
With God"s help and I"ve passed through well
Life is not anymore what I try to avoid.

Бухенвальд  | Год: 1993 | Автор(ы): Катапульта | Последняя редакция: 17.06.2009

Круглые сутки слышен в округе
Плач, вопли и крик,
Круглые сутки слышен в округе
Скрежет и лязг гильотин
Камеры пыток вечно в работе,
Здесь нет выходных,
Камеры пыток вечно в работе,
Никто из них не уходит живым.

Бухенвальд – адские пытки,
Крематорий охвачен огнем,
Бухенвальд – страшные крики,
Людей в печах сжигают живьем.
Бухенвальд – филиал ада,
Бухенвальд – последний приют,
Бухенвальд – нет дороги обратно,
Бухенвальд, свет кончается тут.

Фабрика смерти без остановок
Производит свой страшный продукт,
Невинные жертвы фашистских подонков
Навсегда останутся тут.
Но время придет, и разрушат конвейер,
И свет навсегда вытеснит мрак,
Время придет и ветер развеет,
Всю боль, ужас и страх.

Бухенвальд – адские пытки,
Крематорий охвачен огнем,
Бухенвальд – страшные крики,
Людей в печах сжигают живьем.
Бухенвальд – филиал ада,
Бухенвальд – последний приют,
Бухенвальд – нет дороги обратно,
Бухенвальд, свет кончается тут.

Фашизм, сука, не пройдет!

 слушать  | скачивалось: 46

Good Mording Friend  | Год: 1997 | Автор(ы): Игорь Крыжко | Последняя редакция: 11.03.2012

Your head is always clean
You spin
The linen of your life
You buy
The glory and esteem
You seem
To be so fucking high
But I
Can see the real thought
You"ve got!

You want to be sole source
That"s why you must pretend
And then
You have for your own sake
To fake,
And leave all things of good
For good
And then you"ll understand,
My friend,

You feel to be the strongest,
In Universe you reign
It"s easy when you are the only
One who"s ever played this game,
But trust me that another morning
Will definitely come one day.


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