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Beheaded - 1
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Beheaded - 3
Beheaded - 4

Мальта, Мальта

Год образования: 1991 

Death-metal, Death-grind

История Beheaded началась в 1991, когда основатели группы Chris Brincat (барабаны) и David Bugeja (гитары) объединились с целью создать на Мальте первую группу, играющую в стиле death-metal. В первые годы существования состав команды был нестабильным, поскольку не получалось найти подходящих музыкантов. Однако, как только был набран соответствующий состав группы, было записано демо под названием Souldead. Эта запись привлекла внимание международной death-metal сцены и была положительно оценена в многочисленных публикациях, а также продавцами записей. Демо Souldead помогло группе выйти на лейбл X-Treme Records из Швеции, с которым группа подписалась на выпуск их дебютного CD ‘Perpetual Mockery". Альбом "Perpetual Mockery" был записан в 1996 году, но выпущен только в 1998. В туре, последовавшем за выпуском диска, группа делила сцену с Dying Fetus, Defaced Creation, Deranged, Fleshless, а также играла на разогреве у Vader.

По возвращению на Мальту Beheaded концентрируется на написании нового материала, и в 1999 году записывает промо из 5 песен. Которое было разослано только по лейблам. Этот промо-диск привлек внимание большого числа лейблов, но группа решает подписаться на лейбле Mighty Music из Дании. Эти пять песен с промо диска были выпущены как мини-CD ‘Resurgence of Oblivion". Следующий тур последовал в 2001 году, в котором, совместно с коллегами по лейблу Anasarca, группа проехала через всю Европу.

В марте 2002 года увидел свет их очередной полнометражный Death-Grind диск ‘Recounts of Disembodiment", ставший третьим официальным релизом. ‘Recounts…" был выпущен также и в США, через Forever Underground Records. Вскоре после этого последовал длинный тур по США, в котором группа, помимо всего, появилась на сцене Ohio Deathfest и New Jersey Metal Meltdown.

Возвращаясь из США группа остановилась в Германии для участия в фестивале Fuck the Commerce V, где ей пришлось играть перед огромным количеством ... подробнее

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Официальный сайт http://www.beheaded.net
Последнее редактирование страницы 14.01.2008
Альтернативный адрес этой страницы: http://dvmusic.ru/Beheaded



Melchior Borg


Omar Grech


Chris Mintoff


David Cachia


Chris Brincat




Beheaded - Souldead
Год записи: 1995 | Студия: no info

· Root of Ambiguity
· Rigorous Aberration
· Luciferian Enthronement
· Souldead
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Beheaded - Perpetual Mockery
Год записи: 1998 | Студия: Temple Studios

· Transcendental Iniquity
· Perpetual Mockery
· Inborn Lust
· Subconscious Deliverance
· Void of Empathy
· Ethereal Passages
· Vae Victus (Prayer for the Vanquished)
· Omnipotent Carnage
· Souldead
· Suffer in Silence
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Beheaded - Resurgence of Oblivion
Год записи: 2000 | Студия: no info

· Transmutation Of Veracity
· Extortion of Benevolence
· Resurgence of Oblivion
· Paramnesic Dream
· Suffer Some More
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Beheaded - Recounts of Disembodiment
Год записи: 2002 | Студия: Temple Studios

· Broken Thoughts Of Righteousness
· Horde Of The Stolen Sun
· Recounts Of Disembodiment
· Consecrated Absurdities
· Compelling Derangement
· Inherited Plague
· Fed Upon Odium
· Disdain
· Spreading Contagion
· Unbound
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Beheaded - Ominous Bloodline
Год записи: 2005 | Студия: Temple Studios

· Crowned with Repression
· Esoteric Kin
· Conceived to Dominate
· Vaults of Ageless Pain
· Depths of Sore
· Ominous Bloodline
· Ill Remains
· Scourging Repudiation
· Rooted in Profundity
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Всего скачиваний: 329   
Extortion of Benevolence  70
Luciferian Enthronement  61
Recounts Of Disembodiment  61
Souldead  70
Transcendental Iniquity  73
Video: fuck the commerce live video  56
Video: live at Signals Bar (Malta)  61

Легенда: цифрами указано, сколько раз скачивалась композиция


Все тексты на одной странице   
Broken Thoughts Of Righteousness  2002
Compelling Derangement  2002
Consecrated Absurdities  2002
Disdain  2002
Fed Upon Odium  2002
Horde Of The Stolen Sun  2002
Inborn Lust  1998
Inherited Plague  2002
Interview: Brutalism  2005
Interview: Guttural Zine  2005
Omnipotent Carnage  1998
Perpetual Mockery  1998
Recounts Of Disembodiment  2002
Souldead  1998
Subconscious Deliverance  1998
Suffer In Silence  1998
Transcendental Iniquity  1998
Unbound  2002
Vae Victus  1998
Void of Empathy  1998

Interview: Guttural Zine  | Год: 2005 | Автор(ы): Gore | Последняя редакция: 25.07.2005

Gore: Hey Omar how are you man??First give us some infos about the current lineup and some
informations about the bandhistory.

Omar: Hello Gore and readers of this interview. I"m fine here thanks.
Beheaded was originally stitched together in 1991 when Chris Brincat drums and David Bugeja guitars teamed up to start the first death metal band in Malta. It proved to be a difficult task to find a decent line up and start writing music during those times. But the right murderers did turn up in the end, and the ‘Souldead" demo was recorded in 1995. Soon after, I replaced Tyson Fenech on guitars. Souldead was made to circulate through all the means available at the time. This demo caught the attention of a Swedish label X-Treme Records to which we signed. An album called Perpetual Mockery was recorded in 1996, but ended up being released in 1998. During those two recordings, Beheaded wrote a blend of death metal that was inclined towards a melodic style of death/grind. It reflected what the band was into at the time in fact.
Newer material started to outline a progression in the music. Notably the music got heavier, and faster. During the post ‘Perpetual Mockery" days we had also scrapped a number of songs, because we felt they didn"t reflect what we were creating then. Those songs went into oblivion and we never played them again. During that time we also had the departure of vocalist Marcello and Lawrence Joyce took the growling seat. His voice and phrasing met the new material very well.
In 1999 a 5 song promo CD was recorded. It captured the attention of a good number of labels, and we opted to sign to Danish Mighty Music. The songs on the promo were released as the ‘Resurgence of Oblivion" Mini CD in 2000. Beheaded had found its true form at that stage.
The ‘Recounts of Disembodiment" album followed the trail of its predecessor. It was released in 2002.
A year later some further changes occurred again in the line up. The vocal slot was a continuous revolving door – till Melchior Borg stepped in and put an end to that absurd situation. Also founder member and main song writer David Bugeja(guitars) decided to leave the band on amicable terms for personal reasons.
Nevertheless the band got into the gears and started writing even heavier, more technical and faster music. Chris Mintoff joined on guitars at this point. A new 2 song promo CD was recorded and was sent to a very small number of labels. Reputable label Unique Leader Records offered a deal and Beheaded accepted it happily. The new album was recorded in July 2004 and was released on March 8th 2005. It"s called ‘Ominous Bloodline".
Current line up is Myself (Omar Grech) on guitar, Chris Mintoff on guitar, Chris Brincat on drums, David Cachia bass, and Melchior Borg vocals.

Gore: Many great deathmetal bands were inspired by beheaded. Please tell us which bands
have influenced the sound of beheaded and which bands have influenced you personally?

Omar: Everyone in the band has his favourite bands, which more or less are of inspiration to us as individual musicians and finally as a whole band. I"m into Malevolent Creation, Defaced Creation, Exhorder, Suffocation, Death, Pyaemia etc, Chris(guitars) is into Meshuggah, Morbid Angel, Necrophagist, Monstrosity, Spawn of Possession , etc, David C. (Bass) is into tons of underground death-grind sick bands and lots of old school like Grave, Demigod, Massacre, etc Chris (drums)is into Nile, Cryptopsy, Suffocation, whilst Melchior(vocals) is into Suffocation, Vader, Decapitated etc.

Gore: Normaly, no one thinks about deathmetal if someone talks about Malta.Do you have any
ideas, why a small country like malta has so many awesome Bands(Abysmal Torment,Hemlock for example) ??
And what is your opinion about the Deathmetal scene in malta.

Omar: The country is so small here, with less than 400,000 inhabitants. It"s not really the case that we have a ‘death metal" scene in Malta. I would rather call it a ‘metal/punk" scene. The scene in general here is so small that it would be senseless to chop it in smaller pieces. Some of the few festivals that are set up here with local bands usually contain bands which range from punk to death metal. That"s something that would be unthinkable to do in other countries, but here in Malta it makes sense because it brings the local scene together and pulls a decent crowd.
As far as the local Death Metal goes there"s Abysmal Torment which is doing pretty well. There are other bands like Lithomancy, Arachnid and Achiral.

Gore: I"m thinking that you guys have written deathmetal history with the current album Ominous Bloodline. Tell us some responses about the new album.It"s also released by unique leader. Have you any idea how many copys were sold up to now?

Omar: Thanks for your kind words Gore. The response we"re having is really good. The majority of reviews gave positive comments, and the feedback in general is very good. Ominous Bloodline has been released for 3 months now, and Unique Leader has repressed it 3 times already. It"s good from the label"s point of view to see that its releases reach a good amount of sales.

Gore: How have you guys become the deal with Unique Leader Records?Are you guys happy with the deal??How is the relationship between
Erik(Deeds of Flesh) the boss of Unique leader and Beheaded??

Omar: As stated elsewhere in this interview, we recorded a 2 song promo in November "03. We just sent it to about 6 labels only, and one of them was Unique Leader. They showed interest in signing us and we accepted happily. There is mutual respect from both ends and so the relationship is really good. I try to keep in touch with Erik periodically and discuss any queries I might have. We definitely feel at home on this label.

Gore: Tell us something about your gigs.What was the best live experience and what was the most worse gig?

Omar: Our shows are pretty straightforward. We usually hang our logo at the back of the stage. Sometimes, we use an intro to add to the anticipation. Our vocalist, isn"t the type of frontman that talks a lot in between songs, so we just carry on with the set and let the music speak for itself. We always try to deliver a pounding performance.
Our best live experience should be our appearance at the Fuck The Commerce in 2002. Our worst gig was probably the one in Dallas in the US, when the promoter of the club in which we were supposed to play in did not show up and one of the support bands improvised a gig in another venue without any promotion at all. You can guess the results of that.

Gore: Beheaded will headline the NRW Deathfest 2005.I can"t wait to see you guys again on stage.What"s your opinion
about the german crowd and the german Deathmetal scene?You like some German Bands??
Omar: I really like to play in Germany. Each time we have played there, we have had a good time and met really cool people. We headlined the Ludwigshafen Deathfest last year and was really cool. I can"t wait to play at the NRW Deathfest now. Yes bands I like are Anasarca, Defeated Sanity, Necrophagist, Sinners Bleed and older bands like Morgoth.

Gore:How long you"re playing guitar??And how long you"re playing guitar for beheaded??
You have any favourite guitar players??

Omar: I have been playing guitar for 12 years now, 10 of which with Beheaded. My favorite guitar players are James Murphy and Chuck (rip) mostly. Lately I started to listen to players like Alan Holdsworth and Mike Stern.

Gore: Have you any recommendations of brutal bands we should look for?

Omar: I"m not digging new bands lately, but rather I was looking for those bands which I wanted to hear for ages but for some reason I didn"t have the occasion to hear them. Bands like Solstice (US), Demolition Hammer, and Divine Empire.

Gore: Do you have any favourite Horror, or Splatter movies? Or if you"re into pornshit list us some great pornmovies ;)
Omar: My favorite movies are gangster oriented like Good Fellas, Scar face, Snatch, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction etc. I"m afraid you"re asking the wrong person about Porn.

Gore: Let us know your current top 10 playlist.
Malevolent Creation – Retribution
Malevolent Creation – Eternal
Suffocation – Despise the Sun
Suffocation – Pierced from Within
Suffocation – Souls to Deny
Death – Symbolic
Death – Individual Thought Patterns
Disincarnate – Dreams of the Carrion Kind
Monstrosity – In Dark Purity
Disavowed – Perceptive Deception

Gore: Ok man thank you very much for the time and for the support. See you guys at the NRW Deathfest.
You have the last word. Cheers

Omar: Thanks a lot for the interview Gore. Yes hope to meet lots of people at the NRW Deathfest. It should be a blast! Keep an eye on the Gutting Europe tour dates and try to catch us on Stage during September. Also check out Ominous Bloodline to see what we have to offer! Brutal Greetings from Beheaded!

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Left_4_Dead  |  Питер  | Дата: 03.12.2008

Офигительная группа. Сколько уже брутал слушаю, такое давно не попадалось. Супер!!

Хаос  |  Самара  | Дата: 22.10.2007


Данила Р.  |  Хабаровск  | Дата: 06.12.2005

Немного напомнили CANNIBAL CORPSE (скорее по стилю)!
Уважаю тяжёлый металл!

El  |  Москва  | Дата: 25.07.2005

Знаю этих ребят лично. Бывала на их гиге на Мальте. Это полный sick m/. Их последний альбом получил много хороший отзывов со всех точек планеты. (у их лэйбла Unique Leader очень крупная дистрибьюторская сеть) В музыке чувствуется влияние западной сцены, таких груп как Malevolent Creation, Suffo, Vader и многих других. Игра слаженная и техничная, не однообразная. Советую послушать их новый альбом "Ominous Bloodline" "05. Я знаю где взять диски.

Dr.Grind/STAZZ  |  Ха  | Дата: 25.07.2005


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