Воины Тьмы
| Год:
2006 | Автор(ы):
Darth Vader
| Последняя
редакция: 28.10.2005

It distributes debauch on the ground,
All gambling houses in the Hell - it!
It kindles quarrels in families of people,
Name, a demon of lust, it!
Asmodey, Asmodey, it sits on a dragon astride,
Asmodey, Asmodey - the bull, the ram and the person in one!
Great Duke of the West of the Hell,
Incites to laziness of people!
The keeper it of treasures of all of the Hell,
Same it as Asmodey!
Astarot, Astarot, it sits on a dragon astride,
Astarot, Astarot, one head, but the ugly creature besides!
Well here I now have told all,
All Tartaros has left on a bottom,
And here the moment now has come,
To open to you secret - who I ?
Asmodey! Asmodey! Asmodey! Asmodey!
Astarot! Astarot! Astarot! Astarot!