Babys Like.
The Pain.
The Spys
| Год:
1993 | Автор(ы):
| Последняя
редакция: 23.07.2003

It seems whole world is at Satan mercy.
Ignoramuses for a long time forgot God faith.
I am walking on edge of blade,
Step right, step left is abyss.
I am eaten back by pain,
I am seized by the shame.
‘Cos I forgot my kind,
‘Cos I am damned liar.
God rage by the holy light
Burn my oppressing soul.
Let now I scream, tomorrow I"ll get a drink.
My connection with Mind to the ground razes.
Besides the terrible, suicide, nocturnal thoughts
Before me stays Blaseways.
The ways of Damned Town – neon and deathly faces,
The abnormal wears, the dirty looks – they so relentless.
Through atmosphere of rancor pierce the cruel roar!
I look upwards and see the Scull. Oh, it such bleak!
It poison Town by Evil, it fills mind by fear,
It poured streets by trash. And God source was smash!
I walk down Town and feel that pressure more and more.
I will be free, when my strength out flow.
Now I am under gases
Of God and Blazeways.
How to stay clean before my conscience?
How to avoid my dark revelations?
I hear behind the wails – it"s the chase.
I come out to battle again. To Blaseways…